Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 contest! See the results. Check back later when we announce the 2025 competition.
Bringing a new musical work to life can be one of the most rewarding experiences as a composer. Through the process, you introduce new ideas to carillon music and broadcast it to eager listening ears. The repertoire of carillon compositions is constantly growing, but not fast enough! Are you ready to contribute?
The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America invites you to enhance the carillon repertoire by entering the Franco Composition Contest. Held every 2 years, it is named in honor of the composer Johan Franco (1908–1988). He was an accomplished composer and a respected member of the GCNA, whose compositions for carillon number in the hundreds, many of exceptional quality.
What's a carillon?
It's a concert instrument made of bronze bells that are played with the hands and feet from a keyboard. We recommend composers newer to the carillon enter the Franco Proposal Contest.
Type: Entries must be an original composition for a solo performer.
Length: Entries of any length are allowed.
Range: Entries must be playable on a 4-octave carillon (C–D–chromatic–C4; low C♯ omitted), with a 2-octave pedalboard (C–D–chromatic–C2). Notating outside of this range is permitted provided that substitutions are given in the 48-bell range. Contestants may wish to limit their pedalboard range to 1.5 octaves (C–D–chromatic–G1) as many carillons (particularly European standard) have that reduced range. Arrangements for 2-octave carillon are welcome (again with low C♯ omitted).
Prior history: Entries that have already been published, that have already been performed, or that have already won a prize are ineligible. Public performance of any winning composition prior to the 2023 GCNA Congress is grounds for disqualification.
Open to: Everyone, except members of the Franco Committee and the winners of the 2023 Franco Proposal Contest. We encourage composers newer to the carillon enter that contest.
Quantity: Only 1 entry is allowed.
Submission deadline: November 1, 2022.
No entry fee.
One 1st prize and one 2nd prize will be awarded. At the Franco Committee's discretion, a number of performance awards may be awarded. All winners are entitled to have their entries premiered at the 2023 GCNA Congress and have them promoted on the GCNA website. The 1st and 2nd prizewinning pieces will be published by the GCNA; all other prizewinners have the option for publication (see Publication and copyright).
To enter the competition:
That's it! Questions? Email
The jury consists of the following members on the Franco Committee: Margaret Angelini, Linda Dzuris, Alex Johnson, Thomas Lee, Scott Orr, Tiffany Ng, and Charles Zettek. They will evaluate entries based on their usefulness to the carillon community, namely their effectiveness on the carillon, playability, originality, and general musical interest.
To preserve anonymity, we ask that you not contact any members of the jury, directly or indirectly. Send your questions to the Franco Committee chair, Joey Brink, at
Results will be announced on November 1, 2022.
By entering the contest, you agree to the following requirements regarding publication and copyright:
Thank you to everyone who participated—there were 34 entires in total. The Franco Committee's work was a huge challenge, and we're thankful for their effort. We are excited to announce the winning pieces; they will contribute greatly to the carillon repertoire! We will be working with each prizewinner on the publication of their compositions, and we look forward to hearing them in Cohasset!
Purchase prizewinners published by the GCNA at our music store.
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