Member bio
In 2022, Alex Johnson was appointed the 7th University Carillonist of the University of Chicago, succeeding Joey Brink. In 2019, Alex won the 8th International Queen Fabiola Competition in Mechelen, Belgium: 1st Prize Overall, 1st Prize in Improvisation, and the Prize for Best Performance of a Belgian Contemporary Work. In 2020, Alex graduated summa cum laude from the Royal Carillon School 'Jef Denyn', where he studied primarily with Koen Cosaert and Tom Van Peer. Previously, Alex studied with Geert D'hollander as the Bok Tower Carillon Fellow, with Tim Sleep for the GCNA Carillonneur Exam, and with Doris Aman at the University of Rochester, where he first discovered carillon.
Alex serves on the Johan Franco Composition Committee and chairs the Arrangements and Transcriptions subcommittee of Music Publications.
Outside carillon, Alex enjoys spending lots of time with nature and experimenting in the kitchen. He is very fond of his mbira too.