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Grants to attend congress

The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America holds an annual congress at a different location each year, usually in June, lasting about 4 days. By attending, you can discover new carillon music during our recitals, learn new skills through our workshops, and meet new people at our social events. Congress is also where we host the Annual Meeting of the Members.

Registration fees are typically between US$200 and $300. We're pleased to offer grants that cover these fees for eligible members.


Grants are available for first-time attendees, new Associate Carillonneur members, and new Carillonneur members. Grants for first-time attendees are made possible thanks to the generosity of Sally Slade Warner. We give grants to those who have passed our examinations to encourage their continued development as professional carillonneurs.

A. First-time attendees

You are eligible if:

  • You're attending a GCNA Congress for the first time (this excludes any virtual congresses)
  • You're a resident of North America
  • You're an individual member of the GCNA in good standing
  • You're not receiving reimbursement for the registration fee from another source (e.g. from your place of work or study)

B. New Associate Carillonneur members

You are eligible if:

  • You passed the Associate Carillonneur Exam within the past 2 years
  • You're a resident of North America
  • You're an individual member of the GCNA in good standing
  • You're not receiving reimbursement for the registration fee from another source (e.g. from your place of work or study)

C. New Carillonneur members

In order to participate in recitals for new members, you can receive this grant 2 times in the first 3 years following the congress where you passed your exam. You are eligible if:

  • You passed the Carillonneur Exam within the past 2 years
  • You're a resident of North America
  • You're an individual member of the GCNA in good standing
  • You're not receiving reimbursement for the registration fee from another source (e.g. from your place of work or study)

Note: The congress host's invitation to perform at congress is a separate process from this grant application. Even if you have accepted an invitation to perform, you must still complete this application to receive a registration grant, and then you must actually register.

How to apply

To apply, simply fill out the application form by April 10. Do not register for congress until you have received the grant! 

Once your eligibility is verified, you will receive a registration fee waiver code. Use that code to register for congress by the early bird registration deadline of April 14, and the GCNA will pay your registration fee on your behalf.

Questions? Please contact the Board Subcommittee on Events at (not the congress host).

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