Member bio
Frances Newell played carillon for ten years at St. George’s-by-the-River, Rumson, NJ, and launched the renovation of their carillon. 2022 Frances launched renovation of Chime in Galveston Texas. After winning First prize for the Carillon Composition Competition, Sacred Music Festival, Perpignan, France, played carillon for three years at Church of the Ascension, Clearwater, Florida. A 2014 GCNA Barnes Scholar, Frances gave a 2023 Congress presentation on getting Chinese sounds into carillon.2020 GCNA Congress webinar on “Arranging Aaron Copeland’s RODEO for Carillon”. Her original carillon compositions and wide variety of arrangements are published by ACME, GCNA, and Sheet Music Press. Other compositions include an original oratorio, operetta, symphonic tone poems. Her English handbell compositions and arrangements are published by From The Top Music.